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showing results 1 - 6


E810 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with train
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
motor vehicle collision with object set in motion by railway train (E815.0-E815.9)
railway train hit by object set in motion by motor vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)


E812 Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with motor vehicle
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
collision with another motor vehicle parked, stopped, stalled, disabled, or abandoned on the highway
motor vehicle collision NOS
collision with object set in motion by another motor vehicle (E815.0-E815.9)
re-entrant collision with another motor vehicle (E811.0-E811.9)


E818 Other noncollision motor vehicle traffic accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
accidental poisoning from exhaust gas generated by motor vehicle while in motion
breakage of any part of motor vehicle while in motion
explosion of any part of motor vehicle while in motion
fall, jump, or being accidentally pushed from motor vehicle while in motion
fire starting in motor vehicle while in motion
hit by object thrown into or on motor vehicle while in motion
injured by being thrown against some part of, or object in motor vehicle while in motion
injury from moving part of motor vehicle while in motion
object falling in or on motor vehicle while in motion
object thrown on motor vehicle while in motion
collision of railway train or road vehicle except motor vehicle, with object set in motion by motor vehicle
motor vehicle hit by object set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor)
pedestrian, railway train, or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) hit by object set in motion by motor vehicle
collision between motor vehicle and:
object set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) (E815.0-E815.9)
object thrown towards the motor vehicle (E815.0-E815.9)
person overcome by carbon monoxide generated by stationary motor vehicle off the roadway with motor running (E868.2)


E813 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with other vehicle
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
collision between motor vehicle, any kind, and:
other road (nonmotor transport) vehicle, such as:
animal carrying a person
animal-drawn vehicle
pedal cycle
collision with:
object set in motion by nonmotor road vehicle (E815.0-E815.9)
pedestrian (E814.0-E814.9)
nonmotor road vehicle hit by object set in motion by motor vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)


E816 Motor vehicle traffic accident due to loss of control, without collision on the highway
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
motor vehicle:
failing to make curve and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
going out of control (due to)
blowout and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
burst tire and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
driver falling asleep and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
driver inattention and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
excessive speed and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
failure of mechanical part and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
collision on highway following loss of control (E810.0-E815.9)
loss of control of motor vehicle following collision on the highway (E810.0-E815.9)


E815 Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision on the highway
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
collision (due to loss of control) (on highway) between motor vehicle, any kind, and:
abutment (bridge) (overpass)
animal (herded) (unattended)
fallen stone, traffic sign, tree, utility pole
guard rail or boundary fence
interhighway divider
landslide (not moving)
object set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor)
object thrown in front of motor vehicle
safety island
temporary traffic sign or marker
wall of cut made for road
other object, fixed, movable, or moving
collision with:
any object off the highway (resulting from loss of control) (E816.0-E816.9)
any object which normally would have been off the highway and is not stated to have been on it (E816.0-E816.9)
motor vehicle parked, stopped, stalled, disabled, or abandoned on highway (E812.0-E812.9)
moving landslide (E909.2)
motor vehicle hit by object:
set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) (E818.0-E818.9)
thrown into or on vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)
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