Development |
due to malnutrition (protein-calorie) 263.2 |
tracheal rings (congenital) 748.3 |
defective, congenital - see also Anomaly |
with atresia or hypoplasia of aortic orifice or valve with hypoplasia of ascending aorta 746.7 |
in hypoplastic left heart syndrome 746.7 |
delayed (see also Delay, development) 783.40 |
arithmetical skills 315.1 |
and speech due to hearing loss 315.34 |
mixed receptive-expressive 315.32 |
learning skill, specified NEC 315.2 |
specified |
type NEC, except learning 315.8 |
and language due to hearing loss 315.34 |
associated with hyperkinesia 314.1 |
imperfect, congenital - see also Anomaly |
improper (fetus or newborn) 764.9 |
incomplete (fetus or newborn) 764.9 |
affecting management of pregnancy 656.5 |
organ or site not listed - see Hypoplasia |
sexual, precocious NEC 259.1 |
tardy, mental (see also Retardation, mental) 319 |