Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome |
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Brocq-Duhring (dermatitis herpetiformis) 694.0 |
Brodie's (joint) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1 |
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.6 |
Bruck-de Lange (Amsterdam dwarf, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) 759.89 |
Bruhl's (splenic anemia with fever) 285.8 |
Bruton's (X-linked agammaglobulinemia) 279.04 |
Buchanan's (juvenile osteochondrosis, iliac crest) 732.1 |
Buchman's (osteochondrosis juvenile) 732.1 |
Budgerigar-Fanciers' 495.2 |
Büerger's (thromboangiitis obliterans) 443.1 |
Bürger-Grütz (essential familial hyperlipemia) 272.3 |
Burns' (lower ulna) 732.3 |
Bury's (erythema elevatum diutinum) 695.89 |
Busquet's (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1 |
Busse-Buschke (cryptococcosis) 117.5 |
C 2 (see also Alcoholism) 303.9 |
caffey's (infantile cortical hyperostosis) 756.59 |
Calvé (-Perthes) (osteochondrosis, femoral capital) 732.1 |
Camurati-Engelmann (diaphyseal sclerosis) 756.59 |
cardiac - see Disease, heart |
cardiopulmonary, chronic 416.9 |
cardiorenal (arteriosclerotic) (hepatic) (hypertensive) (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90 |
cardiovascular (arteriosclerotic) 429.2 |
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90 |
renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90 |
syphilitic (asymptomatic) 093.9 |
Carrión's (Bartonellosis) 088.0 |
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