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Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
cat-scratch 078.3
Cavare's (familial periodic paralysis) 359.3
Cazenave's (pemphigus) 694.4
cecum 569.9
celiac (adult) 579.0
infantile 579.0
cellular tissue NEC 709.9
central core 359.0
cerebellar, cerebellum - see Disease, brain
cerebral (see also Disease, brain) 348.9
arterial, artery 437.9
degenerative - see Degeneration, brain
cerebrospinal 349.9
cerebrovascular NEC 437.9
acute 436
embolic - see Embolism, brain
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
thrombotic - see Thrombosis, brain
arteriosclerotic 437.0
embolic - see Embolism, brain
ischemic, generalized NEC 437.1
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
occlusive 437.1
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
specified type NEC 437.8
thrombotic - see Thrombosis, brain
ceroid storage 272.7
cervix (uteri)
inflammatory 616.0
noninflammatory 622.9
specified NEC 622.8
Chabert's 022.9
Chagas' (see also Trypanosomiasis, American) 086.2
Chandler's (osteochondritis dissecans, hip) 732.7
Charcôt's (joint) 094.0 [713.5]
spinal cord 094.0
Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1
Charlouis' (see also Yaws) 102.9
Cheadle (-Möller) (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267
Chédiak-Steinbrinck (-Higashi) (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) 288.2
cheek, inner 528.9
chest 519.9
Chiari's (hepatic vein thrombosis) 453.0
Chicago (North American blastomycosis) 116.0
chignon (white piedra) 111.2
chigoe, chigo (jigger) 134.1
childhood granulomatous 288.1
Chinese liver fluke 121.1
chlamydial NEC 078.88
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