Laparoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure V64.41 |
Lardaceous |
Large |
Larsen's syndrome (flattened facies and multiple congenital dislocations) 755.8 |
Larsen-Johansson disease (juvenile osteopathia patellae) 732.4 |
Larva migrans |
Laryngeal - see also condition |
Laryngismus (acute) (infectious) (stridulous) 478.75 |
Laryngitis (acute) (edematous) (fibrinous) (gangrenous) (infective) (infiltrative) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (septic) (subglottic) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (viral) 464.00 |
Laryngocele (congenital) (ventricular) 748.3 |
Laryngomalacia (congenital) 748.3 |
Laryngopharyngitis (acute) 465.0 |
Laryngoplegia (see also Paralysis, vocal cord) 478.30 |
Laryngotracheitis (acute) (infectional) (viral) (see also Laryngitis) 464.20 |
Laryngotracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) 490 |
Laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho- |
Larynx, laryngeal - see condition |
Lasègue's disease (persecution mania) 297.9 |
Lassitude (see also Weakness) 780.79 |
Late - see also condition |
Latent - see condition |
Lateral - see condition |
Laterocession - see Lateroversion |
Lateroflexion - see Lateroversion |
Lateroversion |
Launois' syndrome (pituitary gigantism) 253.0 |
Launois-Bensaude's lipomatosis 272.8 |
Launois-Cleret syndrome (adiposogenital dystrophy) 253.8 |
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89 |
LAV (disease) (illness) (infection) - see Human immunodeficiency virus (disease) (illness) (infection) |
LAV/HTLV-III (disease) (illness) (infection) - see Human immunodeficiency virus (disease) (illness) (infection) |
Lawford's syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6 |
Lax, laxity - see also Relaxation |
Laxative habit (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.9 |
Lazy leukocyte syndrome 288.09 |
LCAD (long chain/very long chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, VLCAD) 277.85 |
LCHAD (long chain 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) 277.85 |
Lead - see also condition |
Leakage |
Leaky heart - see Endocarditis |
Learning defect, specific NEC (strephosymbolia) 315.2 |
Leather bottle stomach (M8142/3) 151.9 |
Leber's |
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