Charcôt's |
Charcôt-Marie-Tooth disease, paralysis, or syndrome 356.1 |
CHARGE association (syndrome) 759.89 |
Charleyhorse (quadriceps) 843.8 |
Charlouis' disease (see also Yaws) 102.9 |
Chauffeur's fracture - see Fracture, ulna, lower end |
Cheadle (-Möller) (-Barlow) disease or syndrome (infantile scurvy) 267 |
Checking (of) |
Checkup |
Chédiak-Higashi (-Steinbrinck) anomaly, disease, or syndrome (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) 288.2 |
Cheek - see also condition |
Cheese washers' lung 495.8 |
Cheilopalatoschisis (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20 |
Cheiloschisis (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10 |
Cheloid (see also Keloid) 701.4 |
Chemical burn - see also Burn, by site |
Chemodectoma (M8693/1) - see Paraganglioma, nonchromaffin |
Chemotherapy |
Chest - see condition |
Cheyne-Stokes respiration (periodic) 786.04 |
Chiari's |
Chiari-Frommel syndrome 676.6 |
Chicago disease (North American blastomycosis) 116.0 |
Chickenpox (see also Varicella) 052.9 |
Chilaiditi's syndrome (subphrenic displacement, colon) 751.4 |
Child |
Childbirth - see also Delivery |
Childhood, period of rapid growth V21.0 |
Chin - see condition |
Chiropractic dislocation (see also Lesion, nonallopathic, by site) 739.9 |
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