Cleft hand (congenital) 755.58 |
Cleidocranial dysostosis 755.59 |
Clérambault's syndrome 297.8 |
Clergyman's sore throat 784.49 |
Click, clicking |
Clifford's syndrome (postmaturity) 766.22 |
Climacteric (see also Menopause) 627.2 |
Clinical research investigation (control) (participant) V70.7 |
Clitoris - see condition |
Clonorchis infection, liver 121.1 |
Closed surgical procedure converted to open procedure |
Closure |
Clot (blood) |
Clotting defect NEC (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9 |
Clouding |
Cloudy |
Clouston's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31 |
Clubbing of fingers 781.5 |
Clubnail (acquired) 703.8 |
Coagulation, intravascular (diffuse) (disseminated) (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6 |
Coagulopathy (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9 |
Coalition |
Coal miners' |
Coal workers' lung or pneumoconiosis 500 |
Coarctation |
Cocainism (see also Dependence) 304.2 |
Coccidioidal granuloma 114.3 |
Coccidiosis (colitis) (diarrhea) (dysentery) 007.2 |
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